Michael Keenaghan MD
Mike Keenaghan is a practicing, board certified, pediatrician and pediatric critical care physician and an Associate Chief academic Officer for graduate medical education at a New York City Hospital, working for over 1000 residents and fellows and 300 students each year.
He works to enhance young physicians’ career paths, from getting a job to understanding burnout, fixing their finances and studying for boards since 2006.
He has helped hundreds of U.S. and international graduates set up successful ERAS applications, prepare for their interviews, create job opportunities and choose their first job, get resources on contract negotiation, enhance their curriculum vitae, write, rewrite and re-write again Personal statements and Cover letters, and helped them enhance their own personal brand to set them up for a great future in medicine.
In the early stages of his career, guidance was not readily aviailible. TO over come this he read and implemented, every highly recommended interview, communication and career enhancement book. Now he brings that knowledge to help your application land you your next career goal.
For 15 years He has been involved in hiring attending physicians, sitting on medical school, residency and fellowship admission committees, participating in application review, applicant interviews and the decision making process, hiring physicians at all levels.
He currently co-directs an advising program across 20 hospitals, and continues to be a student career advisor at his home institution, teaching skills to excel in school and get desired residency positions.
And now, through the polishedMD.com, you have the same opportunities as all the students, trainees and colleagues he has helped suceed.