Who you are as a Doctor
Personal Statements
be Competitive
How We
Can Help
You have likely heard that the personal statement may not help you, but can definitely hurt you. When surveyed by the AAMC, program directors rate the Personal Statement as one of the top 5 influencers used in the process in choosing their candidates to interview and rank, along with step scores, letters of recommendation and MSPE. Now with the USMLE step 1 becoming pass/fail , and the elimination of the USMLE clinical Skills exam, you need an even more robust and well written personal statement to get interviews.
What we do:

Up Load your document
After selecting a Personal statement product you will be prompted to upload your draft. If you have not written one yet, read about starting your PS. When you ready ,log in and upload your document.
Revise, return and Repeat
Following our fist draft sent back to you, we will do this twice more.
If you need more revisions we have options for additional edits, or unlimited edits.
You can bundle the editing with other services to get the most support for your application at the best price.
We do not write your personal statement for you from scratch. While this is easy for you, it does not help you match into your position. Your statment needs to complement your whole application and is not a standalone product. It needs to come from you. After reading through your first draft, we will help you express all your thoughts, guide structure, and ensure a quality PS, help cut it down or build it up, but it must start with you.
It Needs to come from you
What we do not do
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Personal Statement AKA: Cover letter
Your writing a Cover Letter
It is a big misnomer that we call the essay about yourself a Personal Statement. Sitting down to write, this name conjures up a host of personal feelings and stories that have nothing to do with you you are as a doctor.
It is your Cover Letter. It is the letter to your new employer showing them who you really are as a doctor, and as a person. It must showcase your success, your ingenuity, your uniqueness, and why you are the best option for their position.
Making this transition and writing well is not taught in medical school, and you do not have the time to learn it now. We are here to help you shine above the rest with an outstanding statement.
Stuck on how to start ?
Sign up for our “Getting Started” guide. A brief quick start guide on starting your Personal Statement or Cover Letter to get over the writer’s block, help you write about yourself, and make you more efficient, quickly writing a draft to send out to everyone to review.
our professional services Include:
We specialize in helping you show your best self. After seeing the result from your first draft you will see how easy you can advertise for yourself, and create the perfect statement – and we still have two more drafts to meet perfection.
Basic Service includes:
- Edit your words to highlight your success
- Remove Red Flags
- Reviews grammar and spelling
- Recommendations with explanations
- Suggest wording for gaps, test retakes, and other difficult to discuss items
- 3 additional revisions subsequent to initial
- 5-7 businessday turn around